NEW DATE!! Call for papers: Workshop on Intra-State Peace & Security, 14-16 Nov 2018

We invite paper proposals for a workshop on Intra-State Peace & Security, to be held at the University of Mannheim, now 14-16 November 2018, and organised within the ERC Project RATE No 336019. 

*** The initial date included Thanksgiving. We don't want to exclude our American colleagues, so we changed the date to 14-16 November ***

At this workshop we aim to discuss ongoing research projects on intra-state peace and security, with specific focus on how political violence escalates, de-escalates, or does not escalate despite adverse conditions, such as in post-war societies. We are especially interested in work that assesses the nature and role of state institutions (including security forces) and civil society (particularly the media) in advancing or corrupting peace and the respect for human rights. We invite presentations and papers on questions such as how the role and legitimacy of the security forces and former warring parties changed in post-war settings, how institutions were modified to deal with political dissent and how citizens evaluate and trust political actors in (previously) volatile conditions. 

Limited funding for travel and accommodation is available.

Please email your paper proposals to Sabine Carey by 15 July 2018.